Saturday, January 17, 2009

Conservation & Protect Our Natural Resources

Under this category, find out which organizations are striving to protect our land and its wildlife, how you can help, and how lawmakers and developers are helping or hindering our ecosystems. Learn how you can reduce toxic waste of CELL PHONES, and how you can PRESERVE YOUR LAND, forever!--and more, under here. In essence: "We must strive to protect this earth that sustains us."--Darlene



At 7:44 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

The discovery of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker is an explicit example of how restoring our forests can help us find wildlife once thought to be extinct, and nourish it back into fruition. The swamplands in eastern Arkansas, where there have been seven separate sightings of the Ivory-Billed, have been in the process of restoration for several years. Researchers theorize that the restoration provided new food and nesting areas for the few remaining birds, so they finally had a chance to propagate. (Because of their size, a nesting pair needs about 3 square miles of forest.)

Granted, it’s likely that most of the lives on our “extinct” list are indeed lost, but who knows for sure? What other species, of any type of wildlife, could be hidden somewhere, clinging to life by a thread? Conservationists know that the loss of even one species could contribute to the ruination of entire ecosystems.

Why should we care? For one reason, because native plants and animals contain genetics that often lead to new foods and medicines. The ecosystem turns full circle. Many rare plants depend on specific soil microbes to exist; microbes that can only be found in virgin prairies. Certain birds, insects, plants and animals can only exist if they have each other.

We humans are the ones who nearly wiped out the Ivory-Billed Woodpeckers in the first place, because of massive logging in the Southwest, but we haven’t learned. Nowadays, even our most innocent actions are still leading to the destruction of natural habitats.

How many people drive their ATVs through the ditches alongside the freeway, destroying the few areas left where red-winged blackbirds and other birds can thrive?

How many people buy a cabin so they can enjoy native plants, insects, birds and other wildlife that can’t live in a city, then go and mow their yards down, all the way to the water’s edge, in turn destroying the shelter and food--the very refuge--that those species need to survive?

We must preserve the little we have left.

At 9:55 PM, Blogger Thomas said...

I heard about the Woodpecker on the John Stewart show... they government threw some money at it.. 15 million i think. Awesome (sarcasm)! But what I think is very very important is the value placed on the Woodpecker... no market value reason to save it... just because its rare is not the reason for helping the woodpecker, you can't sell them b/c its rare... I think personally it is an admission that creatures have intrinsic value... or a good of its own, independant of humans projecting value on the animal. If only I could win the powerball and do more with 180 million than the government could do with the entire treasury at its disposal!

At 5:23 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

Thomas, this is how I see it: Before earth became so populated by humans, life took its natural course. There indeed was survival of the fittest. But now, the existence of all wildlife (including birds, fish, insects, flora and fauna) has become dependent upon how we tamper with them, and their ecosystems. We control their destiny.

Our discovery that the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker still exists isn’t as phenomenal as the realization that we can still rectify our errors if we act soon enough. Massive logging in the southwest originally destroyed the Ivory-Billed’s natural habitat. It took years of restoration in the Big Woods in Arkansas, where it was found, to finally produce enough habitat for the few remaining ones to begin reproducing.

Granted, $15 million sounds outrageous (especially considering my bleak hourly wage), but the area impacts the survival of various endangered species, including 108 species of native fish and 265 species of birds. So finding the Ivory-Billed per se makes the effort even more worthwhile.

Thomas, you didn’t specify if that amount is just for the Big Woods or if the funds will be disbursed throughout the country. But we have to consider entire ecosystems, wherein the different forms of life rely on each other for their existence, much like a symbionic relationship. Many animals or birds, for example, can only survive if they can feed on plants or other animals that need their same ecosystem (i.e. koala bears mainly depend on eucalyptus trees). As I’ve stated before, native plants and animals often contain genetics that have lead to new foods and medicines for mankind, so besides their intrinsic value, someday we may need these plants and animals to ensure our survival.

Sometimes, however, when we try to help wildlife, we make matters worse. For example, according to the DC Audubon Society’s blog (, “transportation officials provided a nesting area along Interstate 64, which connects southeastern Virginia to the mainland, for several threatened species of birds. But after five years, the nests have attracted more than just terns and black skimmers.” Sea gulls, the birds’ predators, have been coming out in droves and are crashing into cars on the highway. Last summer, up to 60 gulls died that way every day.

Worried that there may be serious car accidents, “the state Department of Transportation has called on wildlife officials to shoot some of the 5,000 gulls on the south island of I-64’s Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel. The road carries more than 100,000 cars a day during peak summer months.”

We have to help save the little wildlife we have left, but we had better first consider the ensuing impact of whatever we do, in terms of their needs. After all, we humans build off ramps where people have to criss-cross from one side of the freeway to the other in order to exit.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Andreas Krokene aka The Fraidy Cat Marketer said...

Greetings All,

On the macro side of things there is probably very little that we as individuals can do for the environment, however on the micro side there is plenty.

Did you ever see anyone throw litter out of a car window along any highway or other roadway? Did you ever witness anyone emptying car ashtrays in public carparks? What about similar things? These all indicate a lack of decency on the litterers' parts, and a lousy attitude to cleanliness in general. Attitude is something that comes from within, and is something that we can each cultivate, as it's simply a matter of considering other people's comfort ahead of our own convenience. There is never any need to litter, nor to throw our litter near a public litter bin even if it's full. Simply take the litter to another bin, or home! That's no great hardship, is it?

This simple adjustment in our attitudes will not cost a red-cent more, and can be done anywhere and everywhere by everyone.

Further, it is said that a litterer does not love his/her country. This must be true as why would anyone damage something they love?

And on a lighter note koala bears as they were once called are now known as koalas as they are not bears at all! They are marsupials native to the eastern states of Australia. The ones in the west are imports from the east. But not to worry. If you referred to them as koala bears you would still be understood as I knew them as koala bears when I was a kid growing up in Australia in the 1960s.

Kindest regards,


At 5:01 PM, Blogger Thomas said...

Ecosystems are indeed important... Bush actually tried to buy some Everglades....
But interestingly he overpaid people not to drill for oil/gas b/c I think they were supporters, I didnt read the entire article.

Darlene... I agree with a lot of what you say... its just common sense that man is part of the environment and not somehow seperate from it. Good reading on Environmental Ethics can come from a textbook to see all the different approaches.

I perfer Environmental Pragmatism... which webs values together instead of seeing them as linear.... For instance the value of energy independance is linked to the value of clean air, clean air is linked to the value of good health, good health is linked to the value of low healthcare costs... ect ect...

Running in the park is a value instrumentally, a value linked to the beauty of a park, beauty of a park is linked to the value of good fittness, good fittness is valued for good health, good health for low healthcare costs and long life... (I did these webs quick, think of food webs.. not food chains)

At 6:41 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

I love your idea of Environmental Pragmatism; the links truly work, something like a pyramid effect. Great!

At 6:46 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

Everybody, if you want to keep updated about endangered species, clean air efforts, valleys that need restoration, global warming, and other issues, besides finding out what you can do to help, go to the Environmental Defense Fund.

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Thomas said...

Not my idea about Environmental Pragmatism... I read about it in Evironmental Ethics class... I just couldnt take credit for the idea... I believe the envrinmental ethics writter/philosopher is last name Vestra? You can find all the different types of environemntal ethics approaches in an EE textbook... or anthology of writtings... such a textbook would include authors/writters such as Singer, Leopold, Al Gore, Callicott, Rolston, Taylor, even Emmauel Kant (older philosopher)... the topics would include... Environmental Crisis here or looming... intrinsic value, instrumental value, biocentrism, ecocentrism, anthropocentrism, The Land Ethic, Environmental Pragmatism, and a few other topics such as dysfunctional society (Al Gore). If/When I go back to school this fall I will get my textbook and rattle off more important authors... and the name of my textbook.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

Thomas, whether you wrote it or not, I sure appreciate your having shared the info. with us!

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

I can understand when animals are hunted for food (but not poached!), or for conservation purposes, such as weeding out an overabundance of deer so they won't starve to death. I can even condone killing animals if a country's commerce depends on their fur or meat, etc. But only if the killing is done in a controlled and humane manner.

At 2:09 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

The way I see it, mankind's development (as compared with natural causes) has become the leading bane of ecosystems. That's why so many birds, plants, animals, etc. are either extinct or endangered. It's vital that we keep various species alive, and we need to preserve or rebuild their ecosystems in order to do that. Even the loss of one ecosystem could destroy hundreds of species.

What I'm having difficulty explaining is why we need these various species around in the first place. I know it in my heart, but I can't put it into words. Can anyone help me?

At 2:21 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

The Humpback Whale is under attack again, according to an e-mail I received today:

"Famous for serenading the seas with their haunting melodies, the humpback whale has been protected since 1966, when it was on the brink of extinction from commercial whaling. But now a new threat has emerged, as media reports indicate that Japan is now seeking to resume commercial whaling of humpbacks, defying international agreements under the notorious 'scientific research' loophole. Take action:

"Using a loophole that allows whales to be killed for scientific study, more than 25,000 whales have been killed since a worldwide ban on commercial whaling was passed by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in 1986. Yet it's unnecessary to kill whales in order to study them, since non-lethal alternatives already exist.

"At the International Whaling Commission meeting beginning July 20th, the world will vote on Japan's outrageous proposal to hunt humpback whales. Several countries remain undecided and are very sensitive to external opinion. With a little pressure, they can be swayed to protect the whales and stop Japan from slaughtering them.

"That's why it's critical we tell the Swiss, Danish, Chinese and South Korean Ambassadors in our countries to oppose Japan's plan to kill endangered humpback whales - before it's too late."

You can sign their petition at:"

At 3:46 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

The need for restoration, and preservation, doesn't just apply to nature, but to mankind itself. Whenever we achieve something good in our actions, we must do our best to preserve it. And whenever we lose that goodness, we must restore what we lost.

I'm referring to the terrorists behind 9/11. Back in 2001, my husband and I went to New York to visit our daughter, who was living there at the time. What most impressed me there was how the multitude of religions and nationalities got along with each other, side by side, and respectfully accepted their differences. We saw a Jewish vendor next to an Arabic one. When the Arab rolled out a carpet and said his prayers facing the East, the Jewish vendor stopped selling his food so the area wouldn't be filled with more commotion. After the prayers were finished, the two men turned towards each other and smiled.

That same sense of understandstanding prevailed wherever we went. I was thrilled, because this melting pot of New York was an explicit example of what could be accomplished by people everywhere.

That same day we went through the World Trade Center, then stood on the pier to view the Statue of Liberty. That night our plane to return to Minnesota departed later than scheduled, so we got back about 2 a.m., on Sept. 11. When I arrived at work that morning, my boss told me to quickly call my daughter, and he explained about the terrorists and the Towers.

She was fine; hadn't been able to leave Queens to get into Manhatten, where she worked. But to this day I feel a sense of loss, not only for the innocent people whose lives were lost or destroyed, but for the loss of the idyllic harmony between mankind that New Yorkers proved could be accomplished, because they had been living it. This is what the terrorists destroyed.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

LOSS OF HABITAT DUE TO DEVELOPMENT, which nearly wiped out the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, is CURRENTLY THREATENING OVER 400 SPECIES OF BIRDS, including songbirds around DULUTH, MINNESOTA, according to John Myers, of the Duluth News Tribune.

Each spring and fall, besides the huge migration of birds of prey (including hawks), millions of other birds, especially songbirds, fly over the area and stop along the Twin Ports estuary of the St. Louis River. The river is about 100 miles long, winding from the eastern Iron Range to Lake Superior, but after a century of heavy industry and port development, the lower half of the estuary is nearly void of high quality habitat. About 3,000 acres of wetlands have been lost, and another 4,000 acres of water area have been filled or destroyed in what is now the harbor, Myers said.

The last 20 miles however, located 5,000 acres upstream of the port (the largest estuary in western Lake Superior), may be the most environmentally significant. Yet developers now want to build on this upper half, and they could succeed, because the land isn’t protected.

According to Myers, "Some of the land the birds favor is privately owned and susceptible to development. Most public land can be rezoned and sold with a simple vote of a city council. Even the Superior Municipal Forest, which some thought was preserved, is just a City Council vote away from development--its status as a Wisconsin Natural Area was never formally cemented." As another example, almost none of the land near the Indian Point Campground along the river is protected, according to Daryl Peterson, Northeast Minnesota field representative for the Nature Conservancy.

The western tip of Lake Superior isn't just a bird magnet because the birds skirt the lake on their migrations--but also because of resting, roosting and feeding habitat there, said Gerald Niemi, an ornithologist and director of the Center for Water and the Environment at UMD's Natural Resources Research Institute. Many birds use the area for several days to rest and recharge for the last legs of their long flights. "Some birds, such as plovers and terns, will go all the way to the Arctic," Niemi said. "There's so many different kinds of habitat here it's hard to say which is most important. They are all important."

Meanwhile, groups like the St. Louis River Citizen's Action Committee are striving to protect and restore what has been a degraded environment, but they too need support.

"It seems we don't know what we'll miss until it's gone," said Duluth birder Laura Erickson, and she’s so right; history does repeat itself.

At 3:41 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

Got this e-mail from my friend Cindy: “What an awesome experience to touch a baby whale in the water around your boat. Something few of us experience. We must help this group to get the land so these gorgeous and wonderful creatures of nature will be preserved.”--Cindy

Every year the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), names 12 BioGems--unspoiled wildlands in the Americas threatened by development--and mobilizes citizens to take direct action to protect them. At their site, NRDC BioGems: Save Endangered Wild Places, you can also learn how to protect the world’s most important whale habitat from industrialization.

Located in Mexico, the San Ignacio Lagoon is the only gray whale birthing ground left on Earth that has not been despoiled by human encroachment. But the whales' nursery never received permanent protection. And, today, there are ominous signs that San Ignacio Lagoon may soon be threatened by plans for industrialization . . . oil and gas drilling . . . massive high-rise hotels . . . and resort marinas with ocean-bound ships.

That's why NRDC and our Mexican partners are now racing to safeguard the whales' lagoon--by buying up the development rights to the surrounding one million acres and putting them off-limits to industry forever. To learn more about NRDC’s efforts, and how you can help, click on the link above. There, you can also click on their link to learn more about the “Save the Whale Nursery.”

Meanwhile Dick Russell, environmental journalist and author of Eye of the Whale, is writing about his experiences at the Laguna San Ignacio whale nursery as the NRDC Action Fund's guest blogger. Be sure to visit him, too.

At 6:16 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

EFFORTS BY CONSERVATION GROUPS CAN AND DO GET POSITIVE RESULTS, as demonstrated by this recent letter from John Adams, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, regarding NRDC BioGems. Dated Monday, July 11, 2005, the subject is entitled, Victory for Cumberland Plateau forests and wildlife!:

Dear NRDC BioGems Defenders,

I have great news to share with you. NRDC BioGems Defenders have helped score a groundbreaking victory for our Cumberland Plateau BioGem, a vast forestland spanning seven southeastern U.S. states.

Following intense pressure from BioGems Defenders, Bowater--a giant paper company and the largest landowner on the Cumberland Plateau--has signed an agreement with NRDC and our partner, the Dogwood Alliance, to stop clearcutting natural hardwood forests and converting them into biologically-sterile pine plantations. Bowater has also pledged not to purchase fiber from pine plantations that replace native forests, sending an important message to suppliers in the region. And it has agreed to limit its use of harmful chemical herbicides and fertilizers.

The Cumberland Plateau is one of the planet's major treasure troves of plant and animal life, including hundreds of forest and aquatic species found nowhere else on earth. But surging demand for paper is driving producers to clearcut the plateau and other southeastern forests on a massive scale. After converting these pristine woodlands to pine plantations, companies spray them with herbicides that kill the rich forest undergrowth and drive away foxes, songbirds and other wildlife.

Currently, Bowater and its third-party timber suppliers log thousands of acres of native hardwood forests annually to produce newsprint and pulp and lumber products. But soon after BioGems Defenders flooded Bowater with petitions last year, demanding that it halt its destructive forestry practices, the company contacted NRDC to begin discussions.

By successfully negotiating a landmark agreement with one of the top purchasers of Cumberland timber, we have helped create a model for forest protection, and we now plan to persuade other paper producers to follow Bowater's lead. Thank you for your activism, which is the catalyst for BioGems victories like this one in the Cumberland Plateau.

Sincerely, John H. Adams, President, Natural Resources Defense Council

To learn more about the Council, go to NRDC. You can click on their link to learn more about BioGems, or go directly to BioGems: Saving Endangered Wild Places.

(Thank you, John, for informing us, and thank you, Cindy, for forwarding his letter. We need feedback like this, too.)

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

MONARCH BUTTERFLY populations have been DECLINING during the past five years; not just because of natural causes, but mainly due to the intervention of humans! I think most people know by now that Monarchs migrate south to central Mexico every year. (In Minnesota, they usually leave in late August.) Well…

According to an article written by Maja Beckstrom for the St. Paul Pioneer Press, the loss of Mexican forests, along with development, pesticides and the eradication of milkweed through modern agricultural practices, have contributed to the Monarch’s population decline. Therefore, conservationists are urging people to create monarch “way stations” by planting clusters of milkweed, the only plant monarch caterpillars eat.

(I’ve seen the fat, beautiful caterpillars chewing on my milkweeds’ leaves—Darlene.) My advice: Far too many people think milkweed plants are “weeds,” without realizing how vital they are for Monarchs. If you don’t have any in your yard, get some! Their flowers have a delicious scent, too. If anyone you know has some and is going to pull them out, stop them and explain why they shouldn’t! Also, plant some purple cone flowers (Echinacea) in your yard. They are absolutely the best plant for attracting monarchs (and swallowtails!), which in turn lends to their survival. Echinacea is a tall, upright plant, with stunning flowerheads consisting of pink petals topped by an orange cone. (7/17/05)

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

Don't forget, you can use the water from your dehumidifiers to water your plants and yard! 7/25/05

At 6:25 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

"PEREGRINE FALCON: THE RETURN OF AN ENDANGERED SPECIES will be on view in Mpls., Minnesota at the BELL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY until October 23. (7/27/05)

At 5:41 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

Have you ever considered PRESERVING YOUR LAND, conserving its natural habitats for wildlife, fish and plants—forever? The MINNESOTA LAND TRUST, a non-profit conservation organization, works to protect our state’s lands and waters by establishing, and then monitoring permanent conservation easements (legal agreements by which landowners voluntarily limit the development potential and use of their land). Easements also “run the title,” so not only does the land remain in existing ownership, but the protections remain regardless of who may own that land in the future. (Over 24,000 acres around the state are now permanently protected, due to their projects.) MN. Land Trust homepage.

While establishing conservation easements is the primary focus of the Minnesota Land Trust, they also work extensively with local communities to better understand their needs and to help them identify areas important for preservation.

As an example of their varied successes, you can view some peregrine falcon chicks (eyases) that were hatched on a local family’s property along the Mississippi River bluffs. (The pictures were taken three weeks after the chicks hatched.) Go to to see the chicks. Now this land will be there for untold species of wildlife, forever. (7/29/05)

At 5:56 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

I'm sorry, I just can't get my link to the chicks themselves to work, but if you use my first link (to the Land Trust's homepage), you can click on their link to the chicks. (And here I thought I finally had this stuff mastered!)

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

Another victory for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), this time concerning their efforts to raise funds so they can save the world's last unspoiled gray whale nursery, at San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja, Mexico.

My sincere thanks to both Kathy, and Cindy, in Washington, for forwarding this letter to me from NRDC President John Adams,(Subject: You did it!):

"Dear NRDC Member: Two months ago, I asked for your financial support so that NRDC could launch an unprecedented campaign to save the world's last unspoiled gray whale nursery at San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja, Mexico.

"The response from NRDC Members has been overwhelming. We have already raised more than $900,000! Those first funds have jump-started our ambitious plan to buy up the development rights to one million acres surrounding the lagoon and put them off-limits to industry forever.

"Thanks to your generosity, we and our Mexican partners are now well on our way to completing Phase I of our plan, under which we will permanently protect 140,000 acres of land on the southeastern shore of the lagoon -- an area of vital importance.

"As you know, there are ominous signs that this last untouched birthing ground of the gray whale could again be threatened by plans for industrialization: a massive saltworks, a marina for ocean-going boats, and oil and gas drilling.

"But you've helped send those industries a message loud and clear: We will do whatever it takes to safeguard the last lagoon on Earth where gray whales can be born as Mother Nature intended -- wild and free.

"On behalf of everyone at NRDC -- and our partners in the Laguna San Ignacio Conservation Alliance -- I want to thank you again for helping turn this ambitious dream into a beautiful reality for the magnificent gray whale."--Sincerely, John H. Adams, President, NRDC

To learn more about this and other NRDC efforts, go to NRDC.

Also, if you live or have land in Minnesota, don’t forget about the Minnesota Land Trust, which I commented on right above here (7/29/05) under this “Conservation” category. (Darlene-8/6/05)

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Darlene said...


Since its founding in 1973, the non-profit International Crane Foundation (ICF) has been focusing attention on the conservation of the world’s fifteen species of cranes. Through its programs in education, research, field ecology, captive propagation and reintroduction, ICF helps to ensure the survival of cranes and their habitats throughout the world.

ICF will have an active role in the reintroduction of an eastern migratory population of whooping cranes. The new flock will be released in Wisconsin and taught to migrate to Florida. ICF will educate the public about the reintroduction effort through outreach programs and on-site tours. The ICF Crane Conservation Department will provide expertise in rearing chicks for release, and monitor the health of the new flock. The ICF Development Team will participate in securing funding for this project.

The Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership is a group of non-profit organizations and government agencies joining forces to reintroduce a migratory flock of whooping cranes to eastern North America. Visit their Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership homepage to see them and hear their various voices. (8/7/05)

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

Is ethanol truly the miracle solution we need to solve our gasoline consumption problems?

Drivers using fuel containing 10% ethanol for their vehicles are finding that their mileage decreases as a result. In turn, some have turned to auto columnist Dr. Gizmo (Phil Arendt) to voice their complaints.

In his Aug. 20’ 05 column in Minnesota’s St. Paul Pioneer Press, Dr. Gizmo notes that when ethanol was introduced in the mid-1970's during the fuel shortage, "the purpose of adding ethanol was to stretch the national fuel supply. It was not said that ethanol would increase fuel economy or at least provide the same energy as gasoline without ethanol in the blend."

He also admits that he gets better fuel economy when burning fuel that does not contain 10 percent ethanol. In fact, outside of the Chicago area where he lives, and where he can find fuel that isn't blended with ethanol, he often gains 3 miles per gallon when using it.

"Perhaps what needs to be done is to increase the supply of crude oil so there can be more gasoline without ethanol, and build vehicles that can use alternative fuels, such as hydrogen," he says.

Yet according to David Hollis at Rural Life 2.0, in his Aug. 7, ’05 post, a “recently-passed federal energy bill requires Americans to start burning more ethanol and biodiesel, made from corn and primarily soy beans respectively.”

David quotes Monte Shaw, a spokesman for the Renewable Fuels Association in Washington, D.C., who said, “The effect of the energy development bill will be huge in rural America.” Shaw, a native of Shenandoah, Iowa, adds that, "It could be the biggest rural revitalization package since the New Deal. It will require $6 billion in new investment into rural America, much of it in the Midwest."

So America, what should we do? (8/21/05--Darlene)

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

REDUCE TOXIC WASTE; KEEP YOUR CELL PHONE: 100 million cell phones are being taken out of service each year in the U.S., as Americans switch cellular plans to take advantage of lower prices or better service. Most of these discarded phones end up in landfills, leaking toxic metals and chemicals into the ground.

The reason for this colossal waste is that many cell phone companies require consumers to pay for a new phone when switching service providers. This practice is both
financially unfair to the consumer and bad for our environment. Even worse, cell phone companies that use compatible technologies sometimes install "software "locks" to prevent customers from using their phones on competitors' systems. This sort of waste is both costly and unnecessary!

It's time to tell the Federal Communications Commission that you want to protect the environment, save money and keep your cell phone when switching companies!

Sign the petition:Petition.

At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please support legislation that will leave trees along waterways and also along our highways and concrete parking lots. This would help with the cycle of oxygen and co2. We know that co2 needs to be reduced in our atmosphere. And what uses co2 and gives off oxgyen into the atmosphere? Plants of course which are the trees.
Thank you, farmers, who are growing trees along their waterways. Come on timber companies let's have a few trees left_it can be counted as a loss at tax time.

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

RECYCLE YOUR RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES—from digital cameras, laptop computers, cordless and cellular phones, camcorders, cordless power tools, two-radios, etc.—that no longer hold a charge.

You can RECYCLE THEM AT: Target, Sears, Staples, Best Buy, Radio Shack, Circuit City, Office Depot and other collection sites nationwide. To find your nearest drop-off location, go to, or call toll free: 877-2-RECYCLE. (4/11/07)


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