Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sounds of Nature

Listen to a wide variety of sounds of nature, including birds, insects and storms (go to my 11/5/05 comment under this category and click on the link, and check out the comments with sites before that). Hear DOLPHINS talking to pregnant women and the fetuses in their wombs (my 4/12/07 comment under here). Also, if you know of any other sites where we at can listen to various sounds of nature, feel free to add them. If you go to, the "Lake Superior Trading Post," you can find CDs with nature sounds for sale. Among them are, Journey to the Northwoods, which has authentic field recordings of local birds, insects, animals, waterfalls and the wind in the wilderness. In their Echoes of the Loon, you can hear the sounds of loons and other birds, crickets, thunderstorms, etc. They also offer a Loon Flute: Attract & Communicate with the Loons. (At the Trading Post site, click on “shop,” then “gifts,” and scroll down.)



At 5:46 PM, Blogger Vonnie said...

Hi Darlene,

My all time favorite birding website is I'm sure there's tons of others but because I worked at Cornell for 13 years, I'm rather partial. If you go to, you'll find all kinds of CDs with the sounds of the bird-type nature.

Great site!


Vonnie Kennedy

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

I heartily advise you to take Vonnie's advice and click on the Cornell birding site. But for sure, also go to Vonnie's Site. It's one all nature lovers will enjoy.

At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Go to Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership:

MP3 and WAV files aplenty.

Little Pond

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

Regarding WHERE WE CAN GO TO HEAR THE SOUND OF A WHOOPING CRANE: Wow, pb (Pat!), I so appreciate your responding to Kathie’s request. I was at a loss.

The Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership is a group of non-profit organizations and government agencies joining forces to reintroduce a migratory flock of whooping cranes to eastern North America.

Since its founding in 1973, the non-profit International Crane Foundation (ICF) has been focusing attention on the conservation of the world’s fifteen species of cranes. Through its programs in education, research, field ecology, captive propagation and reintroduction, ICF helps to ensure the survival of cranes and their habitats throughout the world.

ICF will have an active role in the reintroduction of an eastern migratory population of whooping cranes. The new flock will be released in Wisconsin and taught to migrate to Florida. ICF will educate the public about the reintroduction effort through outreach programs and on-site tours. The ICF Crane Conservation Department will provide expertise in rearing chicks for release, and monitor the health of the new flock. The ICF Development Team will participate in securing funding for this project.

As Pat said, you can go to the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership homepage to see whooping cranes and hear their various voices.

And for sheer delight, visit Pat's Pond or Walk Elmira, two of Pat’s sites. (8/7/05)

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

NATURAL SOUNDS AND PHOTOS, including birds, insects and storms. Listen to a wide variety of fabulous digital recordings and view photos, at (Darlene-11/5/05)

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

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At 10:54 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

DOLPHINS TALKING TO BABIES IN THE WOMB: Listen to and watch a slideshow on a video from Oct. 17, '05 showing interactions between dolphins and pregnant women. Turn up your sound, then go to this page and click on "Video:Call of the Wild" (4/12/07)


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